Here you can find the contributions of the participants
in the World Interferometer Day from last year.
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik Hannover
Populärwissenschaftliche Vorträge:
Prof. Rozalia Kh. Makaeva, Prof. Albina M. Tsareva, Kazan National Research technical University, Russia
Dr. Hans-Joachim Büchner
CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik GmbH
Torsten Machleidt, Gesellschaft für Bild- und Signalverarbeitung (GBS) mbH, Ilmenau / Germany
Der Meter: Darstellung der SI-Einheit für die Länge
Virtuelle Labortour: Interferometrie an Messblöcken
Vorbereitung der Kalibrierung von Endmaßen
The iridescent colours of soap bubbles not only fascinate young and old, they also open a bridge for our senses to the effects of the nanometre dimension.
The video shows the interference on a thinning soap skin in different spectral ranges. This experiment is part of a presentation that introduces children to the effects of nanotechnology at the Centre for Micro and Nanotechnologies at TU Ilmenau (responsible Dr. Arne Albrecht).
... pose a challenge to
To the World Interferometry Day, the SIOS shows that one can make measurements over more than 80 m with a small compact interferometer.
SIOS Meßtechnik GmbH
Am Welttag der Interferometrie zur blauen Stunde, also in der Dämmerung, werden an der Lupe vor dem Ernst-Abbe-Zentrum farbenfrohe Interferenzen zu sehen sein. Die Organisatoren laden Sie hiermit herzlich ein, unsere kleine Show zu genießen, natürlich unter Beachtung der geltenden Regeln!
On the World Interferometry Day at the blue hour, i.e. at dusk, colorful interferences will be seen at the magnifying glass in front of the Ernst Abbe Center. The organizers hereby cordially invite you to enjoy our little show, of course in compliance with the applicable rules!
Experience Prof. Eberhard Manske with a musical contribution on the laser harp. The head of the Department of Process Measurement and Sensor Technology and co-initiator of the World Interferometry Day is musically active in various genres in his spare time. The combination of laser technology and music reveals itself particularly spectacularly in the laser harp.
or: we also need a bit more humour in science
First coffee machine with integrated laser interferometer